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anand mohanty

student | Posted | Health-beauty

Ayurvedic Diet


student | Posted

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Like work areas, workstations can suck up a huge amount of residue. What's more, in light of the fact that everything in a workstation is pressed together so firmly, dust is much increasingly unsafe. At the point when the cooling fan needs to run continually, it's simply a question of time before the machine begins overheating, bolting up, and perhaps notwithstanding kicking the container. </

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student | Posted

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Do you adore considering on the couch? That may be agreeable, however it is surely not the most ideal approach to think about. We should comprehend why.

Ideal time and place for everything

You more likely than not heard your seniors state that "there is a period and place for everything". What's more, that is valid. Anything that is before its right time is '

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student | Posted

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I always wondered

Who were the PEOPLE

Who nailed and hanged CHRIST

Under what psychic pressure

People rich strong and mighty

Got scared of a poor simple truthful shepherd

Son of God

I know what it is to carry the cross

Bearing all pains whole and complete

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student | Posted

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What is Ayurveda?

This in nothing more than a deep knowledge and philosophy coming directly from the Vedas. This Vedas are the “science of medicine and food”, bringing to us the efficient methods to connect our mind, spirit, and body to have a better condition. Talk about Ayurveda is talk about life, everything from the inside to the outside.

Ayurvedic Medicine

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