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Steve Hora

Expert in Astrology @ | Posted | Astrology

Vedic Astrology


Expert in Astrology @ | Posted

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Vedic Astrology is a vast subject.

For a start you can use internet to know about it from a scientific point of view.

There are great modern authors who written books, which are really helpful to start with.

Dr. B.V.Raman books are a must.

Additionally this link has a PDF, which gives more information on astrology

Expert in Astrology @ | Posted

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In Vedic Astrology, there are sixteen vargas or amsa or divisional charts, namely:

1. Rasi or D-1 represents: the body and all general matters of the native. This covers the 12 houses in the birth chart.

2. Hora or D-2 represents: Relates to the balance of Male / Female, Active / Passive, Individual / Social, Mental / Emotional balances

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Expert in Astrology @ | Posted

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The 12 houses significance are as below

1st house: Your physical appearance, body, complexion, intelligence, strengths & weaknesses, the head

2nd house: Overall state of our finances (savings, hoardable assets mainly), family lineage & wealth related to family, family values, quality of voice (sweet/rash voice, pitch & other f

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Expert in Astrology @ | Posted

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Vedic astrology is one of the vedangas of the Vedas, the ancient Hindu scriptures. The vedangas are the six sciences that are studied in order to practice and understand Vedic teachings. In Vedic astrology, a person's destiny is determined by his/her karma, which is set forth in the cosmic design.

Vedic and Western astrology have some similarities, including the 12 signs of the

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