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Tharun Berchamans

Chief Administrative Officer at Legrand India | Posted on | Science-Technology

Do the universe have an end?


@letsuser | Posted on

Scientists say, “the universe is a three dimensional version of a balloon’s skin.”

Let me explain you what does that mean. Imagine a caterpillar crawling on the surface of the balloon. The caterpillar will keep crawling on and on, without reaching any end or edge. Thus, the journey of the caterpillar will never end.

Talking of our universe, it is the balloon and we, the caterpillar. And this has a scientific explanation.
According to the laws of physics, our universe is just the same everywhere, be it a planet, a galaxy, or a cluster of stars. The conditions everywhere are different, but they are same when seen from the point of view of physics. This means that wherever you look in the universe, be it from any point, you will see the similar view.


There is no edge, unlike the window of our house or the threshold, from where we would see something different from where we are standing.

This means that the universe is unbounded without any end or edge.


Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on

Whatever has a beginning, has an end. Yeah, the universe too comes under this. Universe started with the big bang and will end up with the big crunch. After the big bang, universe started with the expansion of universe which will slow down at some point of time due to action of gravitational force, and ultimately the whole system will come in reverse mode.


In the reverse mode, the universe will start contracting and ultimately it will contact back to nothing from which it started. Hence, its end. But no need to worry about that because that require many many many years from now. The time too started with the big bang and end with big crunch. Also, as Stephen Hawking says in his book ‘A brief history of time’, when the universe will be in contraction phase, the conditions will not be suitable for the human life to survive and hence the lifetime for human beings is just till when the universe is expanding. But again that too require much time.