How do you bake a brownie in 2 minutes? - letsdiskuss
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Aditya Singla

Marketing Manager (Nestle) | Posted on | Food-Cooking

How do you bake a brownie in 2 minutes?


Company secretary,MBA | Posted on

Did you know a brownie can be baked in two minutes? Yes, that’s true. Start with keeping the ingredients ready. You will need a mug (microwave), melted butter or oil (based on your needs) (2 tbsp), milk (2tbsp), vanilla extract (1/4th tbsp), a pinch of salt, cocoa powder (2 tbsp), and flour (4 tbsp). Do not use baking powder or baking soda, as this is the basic difference between a brownie and a choco muffin.

This two minute brownie is one of the easiest sweet recipes to make, and everyone will be delighted to have it. Make sure that the ingredients are measured in right quantities otherwise the desired taste cannot be expected. So the mug brownie recipe goes this way –

• Take a ceramic mug or a mug that can be used in a microwave. Add milk, oil, salt, and the vanilla extract and then whisk the mixture well.

• Then add the remaining ingredients and again mix it well.

• Microwave this mixture for just 2 minutes and then you will experience the aroma. Do not over bake it, else it will burn.

Isn’t this recipe easy to make? So wait no more and try it out today itself. Once you like it, you can bake it daily or whenever desire. Share the recipe with your friends too. Enjoy the gooey brownie.
