Making Red sauce pasta, pink sauce pasta, and even pink sauce pasta is very easy. The recipe of soupy pasta, however, remains unknown to many. Here's how you can make it.

-Boiled Pasta: 1 bowl
-Onion (chopped): 1
-Tomato (chopped): 1
-Garlic (chopped): 5 buds
-Carrot (chopped): 1
-Capsicum (chopped): 1
-Mushroom (chopped): 2
-Cabbage (chopped): 1 bowl
-Green coriander leaves (chopped): 1/2 bowl
- Pasta-Pizza sauce: 2 tablespoon
- Black pepper: 1/2 tablespoons
- Salt: According to taste
-Corn flour: 1 tablespoon
-Butter: 2 tablespoons
Method of making Soupy Pasta:
- Heat a pan and melt some butter in it.
- Add garlic in the butter and let it get brown. Then add onion and fry well.
- Add all other vegetables and pour corn flour. Cook at low flame.
- Sprinkle the salt and pour pasta-pizza sauce. Mix all the ingredients well.
-When the veggies are cooked, add pasta. Let it cook for some time.
-Put off the gas, and sprinkle black pepper and green coriander leaves from above before serving.