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Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on | Science-Technology

Is technology developed by space science or the aerospace industry for use in spaceflight, satellites, or space exploration?


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Space science is the technology which is initially developed by the Aero Space industries to use in Flights, Satellites, and in other space exploration areas. Space technology has all the tools and techniques which is related to the space crafts, satellites, Flights, Space Stations and its Infrastructures, etc. Also, the space technology include many types like satellite technology, space exploration technology, space flight technology, etc.


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When it comes to talking about the space technology, its not just started now, the space technology has been in the existence since 1957. The only thing is that the latest technologies made way for the new inventions like Modern aircrafts, etc. The current period of 21st century is called as the Information age most commonly known as the computer age, digital age or new media age which paved way for lots of inventions in the space technology. Some of the best inventions to remember with this space technology are satellite navigation which helps in the maps navigation, assess the climate and detect the natural disasters, etc. These inventions will help to know more about the universe, paves way for the advanced technology, creates numerous jobs, offers solutions to many problems.