Is there any difference in the sleeping patterns of men and women? - letsdiskuss
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Rohit Valiyan

Cashier ( Kotak Mahindra Bank ) | Posted on | Health-beauty

Is there any difference in the sleeping patterns of men and women?


Fitness trainer,Fitness Academy | Posted on

According to a survey, it has been proved that men sleep more than women. Also, wrong sleeping postures in men give way to diseases and ailments like diabetes, heart disease, and blood pressure, which affects our lifestyle.

Modern lifestyle leaves no space for giving our body full comfort in the schedule. Worse than this, whenever we get free time, we prefer to use it on mobile phones, laptops, social media, etc. and don’t take proper rest or sleep.
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This when executed regularly, becomes a habit and very soon takes the form of one or the other sleeping disorder.
Note the following points:
• GOQii released a report on World Sleeping day according to which, those who don’t sleep enough are often engulfed by many heart problems, diabetes, and blood pressure.
• The report was made categorically on the basis of the consumption of nutrition, water, alcohol, and cigarettes. Gender, stress and amount of sleep taken were also taken into the account. On the basis of these categories were analyzed the sleeping pattern of both men and women, and the result was that men sleep more than women, and with more comfort.
• The average sleeping time has increased. Last year it was 6.54 hours and this year, it is 6.85 hours.
• Chennai tops the list of the amount of sleep people take in different Indian cities.
• The report also claimed that only 19% of people feel refreshed after waking up.
• 55% of youth admitted having a deep sleep while only 21% of adults could say so.