There has been many urban legendsas to whypolo mints have a hole in the center. Sadly,nonereally confirmsthe answer with utmost confidence.So, the definite answer is yet to be known as to why.
But if I were to speculate, here are few of the reasons that I would tell:
•It’s a good marketingtactic:No candy or minthave such unique design. By punching a hole in the middle, the makers managed todistinguish the product in the crowdand create a separate identity. And the fact that we’re here talking about it shows just how effectivetheir marketing tactics turned out to be.
•That’s how machinesmade it:Back in the days,manufacturing equipmentwasn’tas advancedas they are today.So, tointact the size and shape of the mind, the pill presswas designed to that it punchesaholein the centerwithout breakingthe mind. So, yeah, luckily that’s how the machines made thepolo mints; there weren’tmanyoptions.
•It’s a copy of competitor:In the early days, the most popularmintwas“LifeSaver”, whose shapewaslikearoundlife-savinginflatedtube.Polo just copied this competitor.
•Cost cutting:Imagine there’s no hollowin the middle ofthe mint. It would look really small, won’t it? So, the manufacturer thought to put a hole inthe middle. This wouldincrease the size of the mind—but without increasing the material used to make it. Genius way of cost-cutting, right?
These are 4 reasons Ican come off as to why holes inpolo mintsexist. I don’t think there’s any scientific logic behind the shape and size.