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Manish Lamrod

@letsuser | Posted on | Science-Technology

Is your Kindle Wi-Fi connection failure giving you sleepless nights?


@letsuser | Posted on


Thanks to Amazon Kindle, we now have a sea full of favorite books, novels, and everything readable at our fingertips. But what happens when this very device, Kindle, faces Wi-Fi connection failure? What do you do when you are reading something very important and suddenly come to know that you have lost internet connectivity altogether? What happens when new pages stop loading?

For one moment, you frantically do these things: check the internet connection, restart the router, check your internet balance and go through other tabs to see if its opening or not.
According to most experts, there can be three primary reasons why your Kindle won’t connect to Wi-Fi. These include the following:
• You have a slow internet connection
• You have not updated the device to the latest software version
• Wi-Fi connectivity is not ON, and you have been reading previously loaded pages
Once you have checked all of these and still cant connect kindle to Wi-Fi, keep an eye out for the other internet-enabled devices at your place. If your phone and laptop is working fine with the same wireless connection, see if you have mistakenly activated the airplane mode of the Kindle. The airplane mode is tailor-made to disconnect your network.
If you ever face this sort of a scenario, follow the tips given below. We hope these would come in handy for you, especially if your Kindle is not finding Wi-Fi.
• Routers often cease working if it has been switched on for a long time. Oftentimes, some simple troubleshooting steps such as switching on and off the router solve a majority of the Wi-Fi -related issues. You can always try doing that without calling your internet support or dropping a help mail to kindle customer care.
• If you are outside and have been using a public Wi-Fi connection, check if the duration has expired. In most cases, public Wi-Fi connections set a particular timeframe for users to access the network. Once used up, a user is required to sign up with the same signal to use the internet connection.
• Have you checked if your device is in the Wi-Fi network list? Move closer to your router. Now open the network list, and if your network is not on the top of the list, scan it. This action will help bring the name of your network on the top of the list. If you could not find your preferred Wi-Fi network even after scanning, type its name manually. Once done, your device gets connected in most of the cases.
• If you are done with all these steps and the issue persists, please do check if you have upgraded the software of your Kindle to its latest version. Amazon refuses to continue with older software for a long time.
• Don’t panic if you have an older version of kindle. Just connect to a more stable network, and try updating it.
• Try inserting the Wi-Fi password to solve the hassle.
After trying the above steps you can put a majority of connectivity issues related to your Kindle at bay. However, this does not guarantee that the network issues would not appear again. In case you are not able to handle the issue on your own, consider getting in touch with your provider.
Meta - Drop off Kindle Wi-Fi connection failure with this guide. Here are some ways to always stay connected so that you never have to wait for the favorite novel to download.


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Radio waves have always been a subject of study as they help in many ways, such as communications and GPS. The same radio waves allow you to work wirelessly in computer technology. WiFi too is based on radio waves. WiFi is so common today that you are immersed in WiFi waves all day and night. Can your body sustain damages due to WiFi signals, if any? Let’s check if WiFi is really dangerous and what are the health hazards of WiFi signals.

Is WiFi safe for your health
Is WiFi safe for your health? Image: Safe In Schools Organization
Is WiFi safe for your health or harmful
I need not tell you how WiFi works. You know that WiFi signals start from the router and end up at the reception point of your WiFi enabled device. It’s the same case with Bluetooth, cellphones, etc. However, unlike cellphones and Bluetooth, WiFi signals do not accumulate at a certain part of your body. Incase of cellphones, it is the ear where you place the phone, and it is always either right or left – which is repeated per call. The more you talk, the more exposure at a certain point of your brain.
The point here is, WiFi is radio waves that may cause problems, but since there is no fixed point of your body, touching the devices all the time, the risk is quite low. If you carry your smartphone to your bed and keep it near your head at night, it may create problems due to cellular signals. But when there is some distance between your body and device, the risk becomes lesser.
Read: How to create a Mobile Hotspot in Windows 10, via its Settings.
Dangers and Health Hazards Of WiFi Signals
I will not say WiFi is completely safe, as it does employ harmful radio waves. But it is safer compared to cellphone signals that are more powerful and tend to affect the same body part again and again. Science has conducted several researches on WiFi waves and concluded that WiFi waves may potentially cause cancer. In 2011, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified WiFi as “possibly carcinogenic to humans”.
There are certain factors that make it dangerous and it is not easy to get out of the RF signal range. As said earlier, WiFi signals are everywhere. If you switched off your WiFi at night, you are still exposed to the WiFi signals coming in from neighbors. To see how many such networks are active just click on the connectivity icon in the system taskbar. The more the networks, the more vulnerable you are.
Kids are at greater risk of possessing mental (brain) disorders as they grow up in WiFi environment. You can reduce the risk by turning off your WiFi at nights and by discouraging kids from clinging to the device for long durations. Make sure that they do not take it to bed. You also educate them that the waves are harmful so keep devices as far as possible (from the body).
WiFi safety tips
There is little you can do to keep yourself safe from the WiFi signals. As mentioned above, even if you close down your WiFi system, you are still exposed to those, coming from neighboring houses. The only solace here is that, since WiFi signals are coming from a longer distance, their effect would be lesser – just as the FM waves which aren’t that harmful.
I will not ask you to go wired even though it is safer than WiFi. Rather, try to keep away from the WiFi originating points and repeaters where the signals are strong enough to damage your brain over an extended period of time. If possible turn off your WiFi at nights or when you are not using them for longer durations.
Another important thing is to reduce the duration you use WiFi. Your own WiFi is stronger in your home compared to the WiFi networks around your building. Make sure you are not spending time on the same table where the router is installed. Do not sit under repeaters for long. On devices, turn off WiFi when not using it. It will not only reduce exposure, but it will save your battery also.
Remember to switch off your WiFi at night when your family sleeps.
NOTE: There are websites I’ve seen that show you that WiFi is fatal. But they are endorsing some kind of products that say “safe WiFi products” or “products that nullify the effects of WiFi”. They are trying to scare you into buying their products. Stay away from such claims. Excessive exposure to WiFi signals is a health hazard, but it is not as dangerous as shown by some websites.
Go here if you need to know how you can Increase WiFi Speed.