Kitchen cabinet painting - letsdiskuss
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Kitchen cabinet painting


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Letsdiskuss Kitchen cabinet refers to the set of drawers and shelves. Kitchen cabinet can be painted in many different ways with the suitable colours of your choice.

Kitchen is place where one cooks food and wants that place to look tidy and good every time. So one must keep in mind that colours you choose for cabinet should be easy to clean and maintain. One can go for simple colours including matte textures to marble finish to satin textures.
First of all remove all the utensils and kitchen appliances from the cabinets so that while painting they don’t create any mess. Then clean and scrub the cabinet to remove the oil and dirt residue after that use sandpaper to remove the earlier paint or to make the surface smooth. Clean all the dust by a piece of cloth properly. Then apply primer gently on all the painting area as primer is the initial stage of painting so applying it makes the finishing good. The after drying of primer apply paint on the cabinets by brush or mini roller to get perfect finishing. Use angled rushes to paint each corners and sides. To enhance the durability apply coat of satin polycrylic. After the drying of paint reinstall your utensils and hind ware , get ready to work in your kitchen.
Kitchen cabinet