Now that the JEE Mains Paper 2 results have been announced, how should I prepare for the April exam? - letsdiskuss
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Jessy Chandra

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Now that the JEE Mains Paper 2 results have been announced, how should I prepare for the April exam?


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Yes, you are right. JEE Mains Paper 2 results have induced certain anxiety of performing well in the upcoming April exams. After all, the exam toppers (both from Andhra Pradesh), have scored full 100 NTA scores.

According to the official NTA website, NTA score is defined as “the percentage of candidates that have scored EQUAL TO OR BELOW (same or lower raw scores) that particular Percentile in that session.”

So before starting your preparation for the April JEE exam –which will decide every aspirant’s fate as the rank will be released only after that –you should realize that you are competing with lakhs of aspirants.

Gradeup did an analysis of the exam the result of which has recently been announced and made the following chart, depicting the difficulty level of JEE exam questions.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: India Today)

Now coming to the preparation part, you can follow the given points for that:

• The first and foremost thing that is to be done is the analysis of the recent result, which will tell you what all the areas you need to focus more on.

• Prepare a timetable incorporating all the subjects, giving each of them enough preparation time.

• Never ever take NCERT for granted and study it thoroughly. Twice, if possible.

• Do not leave any topic considering it difficult. In fact, try to dedicate more time in its practice.

• Solve all the IIT-JEE papers. Don’t leave even one.

• Revise the whole syllabus of class 11 and 12, for Physics and Chemistry papers. Books recommended, besides NCERT, are Concepts of Physics by HC Verma and any book which has a good number of previous year questions in them.

• For Chemistry particularly, prepare Polymers, Environmental Chemistry, Biomolecules, Oxidizing and Reducing agents of Organic Chemistry, Electrochemistry, Ionic Equilibrium, Salt Analysis, and Coordination Compounds thoroughly.

• Practice for Mathematics as much as you can.

• Do not forget that you need to divide your time into two halves –one of JEE April exams and one for your Board exams. Make your time table in such a way that you are getting prepared for both simultaneously.