Should video streaming apps like Netflix and Hotstar sign the self-censorhip code? - letsdiskuss
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Ruchika Dutta

Teacher | Posted on | entertainment

Should video streaming apps like Netflix and Hotstar sign the self-censorhip code?


BBA in mass communication | Posted on

According to me, they shouldn’t. I am happy that Amazon has not signed the voluntary code and has stayed away from all this. After all, no censorship was one of the major things that used to make all these apps different from all our Bollywood movies and daily soaps.


We all are aware of the drama that the movies like Loveyatri, Padmaavat, Kedarnaath, and The Accidental Prime Minister went through. We also know how intolerant such kind of codes can be. And we all have faced disappointments at the hands to the Censorship Board which just takes out the soul from a movie sometimes.

Despite all this, I don’t know why these digital platforms which I used to think are revolutionizing the creative space are getting into such foolishness. I agree with amazon Prime who thinks that the currently-adequate laws are enough to maintain the balance between consumers’ interests and the freedom of expression.

The rules, which are drafted by Internet and Mobile Association of India (IAMAI) about the Online Curated Content (OCC), are meant to make the process of online streaming more transparent.

These rules include:

• Content which deliberately and maliciously disrespects the national emblem or national flag.

• Content that “outrages” religious sentiment, “promotes” terrorism or violence against the state and shows children in sexual acts.

• Content that deliberately and maliciously promotes or encourages terrorism and other forms of violence against the State (of India) or its institutions; and

• Content that has been banned for exhibition or distribution by online video service under applicable laws or by any court with competent jurisdiction (Source: India Times)

I don’t think that these rules will help the consumers in making more informed choices. They would rather restrict the creative space for the series and film makers.