In BSc exams, different types of questions are asked. If we discuss chemistry, you have to prepare conceptual questions and read the book thoroughly. Generally, theory-based questions are more important in BSc exams. Practice previous 10 years paper will help you a lot.
Here are some important questions from each part of Chemistry (Inorganic Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Physical Chemistry).
Inorganic Chemistry:
- MOT (Molecular Orbital Theory), and how does MOT id different from VBT ( Valence Bond Theory)?
- Write a short note on bond Energy.
- Define Fajan's Rule with its application?
- Explain Lattice energy
- VSEPR Theory
- S-block elements, p-block elements
- Froth Flotation Process
- A short note on Wave-Particle Duality of matter
- What do you mean by Wave Mechanical concept of Atomic Structure?
- Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle?
- Define Probability Density?
- The shape of Orbitals? Discuss the shapes of s, p, d- orbitals?
- Describe Schrodinger’s wave equation for Hydrogen atom?
- Write a note on Pauli’s Exclusion Law? And also write its application?
- What is Hybridization? It's Rules? And it's typed?
- Differentiate between Polar and Nonpolar Covalent Bonds?
- Define Electrovalent, organic bond, electrovalency?
- Vander Waal Forces? Its nature and sources?
- The position of Alkali Earth Metals in the Periodic table?
- What are organometallic compounds of Li?
- The position of Inert Gases in the Periodic Table?
- How can we separate Hydrogen and Nitrogen from the air?
- Explain Inert Pair Effect?
- Structure of Boric acid?
- Preparation method of carbon dioxide and its Uses?
- Haber’s Method of ammonia, its uses and properties?
- Define Hypo with its uses and properties?
- Oxyacids of Iodine?
- Physical Chemistry:
- Kinetic Theory of Ideal Gas and its Postulates?
- Derive Various Gas Laws from Kinetic Gas equation?
- Differentiate between real gas and ideal gas?
- Define Critical Phenomena?
- Maxwell Distribution Law of molecular Speed?
- Describe the Liquefaction of Gases?
- Structural Difference among solids, liquids and gases?
- Structure of liquids, explain the Theories of Liquid state?
- What do you mean by Intermolecular Forces?
- Define Liquid Crystals? Why are they called liquid crystals?
- What are amorphous solids and how they are different from crystalline?
- What is Crystallography? Explain the laws of crystallography?
- Bragg’s Equation for diffraction of X-Rays by Crystals and discuss its application?
- Radius ratio Rule?
- Differentiate between Lyophilic and Lyophobic?
- Explain the preparation methods of Colloidal Sol? And it's properties? Application?
- Emulsion and its preparation methods and types?
- The velocity of Reaction? What are the factors which affect the rate of Reaction?
- Independence of reaction rate on concentration?
- Differentiate between Molecularity and order of reaction?
- Effect of temperature on the rate of reaction?
- What is the energy of activation?
- Describe Photochemical Reaction?
- What is the fast reaction? And how their mechanism is determined?
- The assumption of Simple collision theory of reaction rates?
- Explain Catalysts and its types and uses?
- Catalytic reaction?
- Enzyme catalyst of biochemical catalysts.
- Adsorption theory of catalysts?
- Chloroform?
- Organic Chemistry:
- Nature of covalent bond?
- Difference between sigma and pi bond and which is stronger and why?
- Tetravalency of carbon?
- Resonance and resonance energy?
- Inductive effect?
- Inclusion compounds, and discuss inclusion compound of urea?
- Difference between Hemolytic Fission and heterolytic fission?
- Free Radicals and its stability?
- Arenas? Its structure and reaction?
- Wurtz fitting reaction with mechanism?
- Geometrical Isomerism and its reasons?
- Conformation? Draw all the conformation structures?
- What is Glycol?
- Methods of formation of alcohol dehydration?
- What are toluene and its preparation methods?
- Gatterman reaction?
- Aldol reaction?
- Flying Wedge Formula?
- Olefins?
- Why do alkenes give addition reactions?
- Benzene and its homologues?
- Nucleophilic substitution reaction?
- Styrene? (Uses and properties)?
- Polynuclear hydrocarbons?
- Above are some important topics for chemistry B.Sc. 2nd Semester.