What are the top 5 questions that a job interviewer can ask? - letsdiskuss
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shubhangi goel

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What are the top 5 questions that a job interviewer can ask?


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  • Tell me about yourself? ...
  • Why are you interested in this job? ...
  • What would you say are your greatest strengths? ...
  • What do you think are your biggest weaknesses? ...
  • Where do you see yourself in five years?


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Employers can learn more about you through interviews and assess whether you are a good fit for a position that is open. Young professionals, however, frequently forget that interviews are also an opportunity to determine whether they will fit in and succeed at the company. Not only should you ask the interviewer questions, but you should also ask the interviewer questions. A series of focused inquiries can emphasise your abilities, convey your confidence, and reaffirm your dedication to the position and business.

Elizabeth Haughton, a senior engineer at Savannah River Nuclear Solutions, advises, "Don't go in unprepared! "Ask more questions than you believe you'll need to know, and have them ready in writing."

We have the appropriate responses to each of these queries as well as five pointers that will help your interview go very well!

1) What are your knowledge of our business and your motivation for applying?

Today's ease access to information online might lead one to believe that most candidates would complete their research, but that isn't always the case. Some candidates might not even be aware of the industry the company operates in. You can tell right away who is genuinely interested in working for you by asking this interview question.

2) What qualifications and assets can you bring to this job?

Did the candidate that was interviewed submit a blind application or did they think about how their skills matched your needs? You can learn more by asking the question. The ability to critically consider how one's skills would improve your particular team is a must for applicants.

3) Which type of environment suits you the best: working alone or with a group?

If chosen for the post, what kind of work will the applicant be doing? This query identifies whether or not they are appropriate for the kinds of assignments they will be given. Someone who prefers working alone for extended periods of time may not succeed in a profession that involves teamwork or multitasking, whether they work from home or in the office.


4) In five years, where do you see yourself?

A job applicant with a strong work ethic and ambitious career goals is valuable. Look for someone who is enthusiastic about their work and has goals in mind, and think about how your company may assist them in achieving those goals. Finding a candidate that is enthusiastic about professional development and sees opportunities with your business enhances the likelihood that they'll remain content over the long term.

Also read this:- Why reading Job Description is important before applying for any job?

5) How do you deal with deadline stress?

The timeframes for technology initiatives are frequently very short. Therefore, it may be useful to find out how effectively your potential hire handles pressure. Encourage the applicant to provide an example of how they have kept a project on schedule when it appeared like it would miss the mark in order to delve a little further. Or, how did the applicant react if, despite their best efforts, they were unable to reach a crucial deadline?