What could possibly be the better thing for Bitcoin traders like you and me? - letsdiskuss
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@writer | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What could possibly be the better thing for Bitcoin traders like you and me?


Project Manager at The Economic Times | Posted on

Disclaimer: Neither I am a Bitcoin trader nor its fan.

Among many other cryptocurrencies, Bitcoins has managed to earn kick-***** popularity. Because it is one most valuable commodity in the universe today. People around the worlds have made fortunes by trading in Bitcoins but I am yet to dive into the river and unlikely to invest in cryptocurrency anytime soon.

Why I do not like cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency is virtual or digital money which takes the form of tokens or “coins.” While some cryptocurrencies have ventured into the physical world with credit cards or other projects, the large majority remain entirely intangible.

Cryptocurrencies or altcoins are free from the government’s control. Hence, you earn money at a cost of losing your money.

Besides Bitcoins there are over thousands type of crypto currencies are available. Many of those coins enjoy immense popularity among a dedicated community of backers and investors.
While bitcoin is widely seen as a pioneer in the world of cryptocurrencies, analysts adopt many approaches for evaluating tokens other than BTC. It’s common, for instance, for analysts to attribute a great deal of importance to the ranking of coins relative to one another in terms of market cap.

Here's a list of other popular cryptocurrencies around the world.
