Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on
Basically, green crackers play a crucial role in reducing the pollution. To make these type of crackers, materials which are less harmful and less dangerous to the environment are used.
The idea of green firecrackers is carried forward by a network of CSIR labs after it was proposed by UST minister Dr. Harsh Vardhan in January.
The purpose behind it was to assess if we can replace or reduce dangerous components with materials that are less harmful.
More over , the CSIR has developed flower pots by using eco friendly material that can potentially reduce particulate matter by 40% .
Not only green, but another concept towards a cleaner environment is being tested called as E-crackers. The court in its ruling had suggested manufacture of green crackers with low emission and decibel standards.
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BBA in mass communication | Posted on
Along with the ban on unprecedented burning of conventional fire crackers around Diwali, there has come the news of the production of India’s first “Green Crackers”.
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