What is an Equinox? - letsdiskuss
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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Science-Technology

What is an Equinox?


Sales Executive in ICICI Bank | Posted on

Equinox refers to those moments when days and nights are of equal lengths and happen twice a year on every planet of the Solar System.

The phenomenon of Equinox occurs when the Sun is exactly above a planet’s equator, which causes the dividing lines of day and night (known as terminator) pass through the planet’s North and South poles.

Due to this positioning of the Sun and the angle it makes, twice a year a planet experiences approximately the same amount of daylight and darkness for one day.

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There are two Equinox in a year –The Vernal Equinox which marks the beginning of the spring season and the Autumnal Equinox which marks the beginning of the season of fall.

So we can say the equinoxes are as important as the solstices to indicate the change of the seasons.
2019’s Spring Equinox has brought with it a Supermoon and the phenomenon is the first to occur in 19 years. The next we will be seeing it is in 2030. This moon is called the Super Worm Moon.

Today, the moon will be on Perigee that is the closest it can get to earth in its orbit. So you can see the moon bigger, brighter and more beautiful today.

Also, happy spring!