what is artifacts in maven? - letsdiskuss
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what is artifacts in maven?


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An Artifacts is normally a JAR file or WAR file or other executable files. which is deployed over the Maven Repository. Each Artifact is represented usually by an group Id, artifact Id and the version string. Group Id is usually a reversed domain name like com.example.www, whereas the artifact Id is just a name. Group Id, Artifact Id and the Version String together called as the Artifact. A Maven will usually contain one or more artifacts like Source JAR, Compiled JAR, etc. Apache Maven is a software project management and comprehension tool which will let you to build and manage your own applications. Maven is normally used for the Java Projects, it dynamically downloads the java libraries and uses them.


  1. Image Source - https://terasolunaorg.github.io/guideline/5.0.x/en/_images/appendix-nexus-ojdbc6-dependency-tag.png

The main purpose of the group id is to identify your project across all the projects. Its just a naming schema in which you should have atleast the domain name that you control. Under a group id you can create as many as sub groups you want. Artifact Id is the name of the jar file or the war file without the version. Maven Is usually a system by which you can build your own application, perform tests, create reports and many more.