What is PPC? - letsdiskuss
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What is PPC?


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PPC stands for 'pay per click', a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.


Student | Posted on

PPC is known as cost per click is an Internet marketingthat is used to get traffic to a website.

In today's scenario, everyone wants to get its website ranked so they use this technique to get visibility. Paper-per-click is associated with first ties search engines.


CEO at Black Propeller | Posted on

PPC is a type of digital advertising where you pay a third party such as Google, Facebook, Bing, etc. to display your ad.


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PPC stands for 'pay per click'. PPC is a type of sponsored online advertising that is used on a wide range of websites, including search engines, where the advertiser only pays if a Web user clicks on their ad. Hence the title, 'pay per click'.

It is a very cost-effective means to get your site noticed by your target audience.

It works like a silent auction. Advertisers place bids on keyword or phrases that they think their target audience would type in a search field when they are looking for specific goods or services. When a Web user types a query into the field of a search engine that matches the advertiser's keyword list or visits a Web page with content that correlates to the keywords chosen by the advertiser, the PPC ad may be displayed on the page. This is how a PPC works.