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veronika thomas

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What to do in your pass-time?


Student | Posted on

“Time is money”,as said by many famous economists, entrepreneurs is exactly true.But,we do need breaks from our monotonous daily routines and a change of atmosphere to keep us going and help us get rejuvenated.But,it’s important to fully utilize the spare time we have.

We can do the following activities:

1.Join some sports.It’s rightly said that a healthy mind can only reside in a healthy body.Sports help us energized throughout the day and also helps us remain fit. It’s probably one of the best ways to make use of your time.
2.Read books.There is so much unexplored knowledge out there,waiting for you to grasp it out.Also,books can be your escape from the mundane activities of your day and they can also enrich you in ways unimaginable.
3.Learn a musical instrument:There are many musical instruments which are not even all that expensive and are easy to learn if one is keen.Plus,music is known to be the best therapy for all and it helps you lift your mood.
4.Take care of yourself:Mend your eating habits and keep yourself hydrated.Try learning some life skills like cooking,dancingetc which,if you’re interested,may also take form of a new career for you.


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If you want to use your extra time productively, then here are some ways you can do so-

1. You can read a book. It will help you to expand your knowledge and your vocabulary.

2. Communicate with your friends.
Send a message/letter of encouragement to a friend. Seeing them happy will make your day.

3. Workout and exercise. This will help you to reduce stress and anxiety and also to maintain your health.

4. Explore different things. It could be some place, different food items or anything of your interest.

5. Research about unusual and extraordinary things.