What types of businesses qualify for small business loans in Vapi? - letsdiskuss
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@letsuser/financialadvisor | Posted on | Share-Market-Finance

What types of businesses qualify for small business loans in Vapi?


Finance | Posted on

A small business loan can be given to all kinds of businesses, be it a small manufacturing or textile factory, retail shop or any other kind of business. However, many of the fintech companies like LendingKart offer business loans to companies that are running for a certain minimum number of years or months. They will also ask for documents related to the financials of the company, but the online process will be very easy. Different fintechs will have different criteria, and the max limit for loan amount will also vary.. there is no such restriction on the type of business you are running, as long as it’s ethical and legal, and you have all the necessary documents.