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Nisha Sharma

@letsuser | Posted on | Education

Why do government schools in India offer poor quality of education?


Manager | Posted on

Because government schools are very ordinary in their rule and regulation. No one follows the rule of the school. Teachers are not focusing on students. But some government schools are very good to offer the best quality of Education. For the good school in Noida please visit:

Also read:- What is the purpose of school?


Thinker | Posted on

The major reason of government schools offering poor quality of education is privatization of education. It’s the shifting of the country’s responsibility on the shoulders of private enterprises, from the government that has disrupted the quality of education in India.

With the privatization of education, education system has turned into an industrial enterprise, where the main focus of educators is not the future of children, but making money.


Privatization of education which gave way to commercialism and capitalism, brought various modern and fancy facilities in private schools of which, the students of government schools remain devoid. No parent these days wants his/her children to study in government schools due to lack of basic facilities there. This lack of facilities has two reasons: first is lack of resources and government’s unwillingness to spend sufficiently on education sector, and second is the mentality and vision which always sees government schools as inferior because of lack of fancy environment there.

According to me, the condition of government schools and education offered there could be bettered up if more and more students start enrolling there. And consequently, more and more teachers would prefer to teach in government schools which would also improve the quality of education in them.


@letsuser | Posted on

One of the fundamental points that we are missing is that private school is having their own criteria for admission and they select students who are bright, whereas Govt school have to intake all students irrespective of their background.

Also, if you consider passing percentage of students as criteria of quality education, then JNV and KVs are way ahead of private school.

Hope this helps