Why does India initiate talks despite knowing Pakistan will not change? - letsdiskuss
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Vansh Chopra

System Engineer IBM | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Why does India initiate talks despite knowing Pakistan will not change?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

What kind of ‘change’ are we really talking about here?

News and Media on either side will always be biased when it comes to discussing India and Pakistan issue. Sadly, it has now become a culture for prejudiced reportage that has ultimately spurred out of political motives. From our Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Pak’s new PM Imran Khan—both have used the other country in their election campaigns to trigger the underlying hatred among their citizens in their own favor.

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You must look at the picture from a neutral stand if you are really desperate to not just listen BUT understand the different dynamics of India and Pakistan relationship— why it has never been fixed, why it never will, was it always Pakistan’s fault or did India have any hand in that.

All being said though, it can never be refuted that if we go on to count, Pakistan has cheated India more. They have played a pivotal role in directing the relation between the two neighbors to worse. Often, India’s stance has always been reactive and Pak’s proactive. Why is this the case? The answer is quite complex—but all leads to a simple fact: Pakistan is NOT as good of a democracy as India.

The country is run by the military and not really by the elected government. In fact, one of the biggest reasons how PM Imran Khan managed to win the latest election was because of military support. It might sound fanatical, but a military coup in Pakistan is always a big certainty.

india-pakistan-relationship-lets-diskuss (Courtesy: VOA News)

(In 2018’s Democracy Index by Economist Intelligence Unit, India ranks at 42; Pakistan is at 110. India’s ranking, by the way, is a shame in itself, which has slipped 10 spots in the previous year.)

So, given the military runs Pakistan, who usually believe in displaying muscle power over diplomacy, Pak has never really responded well to India’s advancement for peace and prosperity in the region. Now, another question is why India always try to initiate talks with them?

A basic answer is that we’re living in a globalized world where everyone must work together towards economic harmony. For the South-Asia to prosper and develop, it’s critical that India and Pakistan relationship gets fixed. And if South Asia prospers, the biggest beneficiary would be India. Also, if India is to emerge as a global power and world leader, it’s essential that it gets along with other nations—in particular, the neighbors.

I hope this answers your question!