Why Google Employees Go Public To Protest China Search Engine Dragonfly? - letsdiskuss
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vishal tiwari

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Why Google Employees Go Public To Protest China Search Engine Dragonfly?


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Read here what Google’s search engine Dragonfly is and how is it going to help China. Well, to make the statement more accurate, it is going to help not China, but the Chinese government.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: telegraphjournal.com)

As you must be well-aware of the authoritarian attitude that Chinese government has when it comes to freedom of expression, it has banned many social media sites and main search engines that the whole world is using in the Republic of China. Now to get into the country, Google CEO Sundar Pichai came up with a special search engine, especially designed for China, which will comply with all the demands of the government.

According to the employees of Google, some of whom earlier even leaked the news when it was a secret, no input from them was taken while building this all-exclusive search engine for the interest of just one state.

This being the main reason of the protest, the underlying one has more to do with humanity and the human rights. It is being speculated that giving Dragonfly to China, and making a technology to comply with its authoritarian governance, would mean developing technology which violates one of the universal rights of individuals –the freedom of expression and information.

It is like agreeing with China that there are some things that should not be accessed by the public. Thus the protest.