Why was no-confidence motion brought against England Prime Minister Theresa May? - letsdiskuss
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Lina Carner

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Why was no-confidence motion brought against England Prime Minister Theresa May?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Broadly put, a number of her MPs were/are upset with her Brexit policy. So, they triggered a no-confidence motion against PM Theresa May in the house.

However, as the count of the secret ballot revealed, Theresa May secured a majority of 83 votes, which has secured her position as the Conservative Leader and British Prime Minister. 37 percent of the lawmakers voted against her, 63 percent showed her their support.

Ever since coming to power following David Cameron’s stepping down from his role, PM Theresa May has beenburdened to pull the Brexit mess efficiently. However, things aren’t as clean and easy. As it stands, the 48 MPs who brought a no-confidence motion against her, along with the entire opposition, believes that Brexit deal is unfavorable to England. They want certain terms to be changed. Prime Minister, herself, has vowed that her government will only move forward when the deal is favorable to them. (One of the many promises that brought her in power!)

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However, the European Union has said that the deal is non-negotiable. Clearly, no one seems to be backing down or in the mood for compromise.

PM Thresa May is all set to travel Brussel to persuade the EU leaders to change the deal.

“Whilst I'm grateful for that support, a significant number of colleagues did cast a vote against me, and I've listened to what they said,” said PM Theresa May after the result of no-confidence motion was out. She also confirmed that she won’t contest the next election scheduled in 2022, stepping down from her public roles.