Why we should do a lab test? - letsdiskuss
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Chandan Roy

Studies at Haridwar Ayurvedic Medical College And Research Center | Posted on | Science-Technology

Why we should do a lab test?


Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on

It is always better to go for lab testing, as there are several facts which are important for patients and healthcare practitioners to know about lab tests.
  • Lab testing is performed by highly trained individuals.
  • Lab test can recognize many diseases that are difficult to diagnose without them . They can be used to screen for many different conditions.
  • Lab tests help healthcare practitioners make decisions, they should be interpreted in context of a person's signs and symptoms.
  • Often, more than one test is needed to make a diagnosis and sometimes different methods are used to confirm a result.
  • Even the best lab tests have variability, there is no perfect test.
  • There are many type of lab settings where lab tests can be performed, from a Large reference lab to a hospital lab, inside a healthcare practitioner office .

Some specialised tests are created in individual labs, called laboratory - developed tests.

If you don't hear back from your healthcare practitioner about the result of the tests they have performed,don't assume that the test was okay. Letsdiskuss


Junior engineer at uflex | Posted on

Lab tests are responsible for 70% of most diagnoses. They will show if blood cell counts are normal indicating possible infection, anemia or leukemia. Chemistry tests can tell if your kidney, liver, thyroid, pancreas and heart are functioning well. It’s very non-invasive, just a stick in the skin and they can tell mountains about the health of nearly every organ of the body. These are just the basic run of the mill tests. There are hundreds of other lab tests that help specify thousands of illnesses.