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11 Inspirational Life Changing Blogs?


Business Head at Kirati Kreations | Posted on

Inspiration, Motivation or Upliftment by whatever name you call, it is very necessary to get encouraged as well as motivated to perform our daily routine tasks & dream something big. Dreaming Big & executing our plans require motivation & so we'll shortly describe the 11 Inspirational Blogs that will bring a drastic change in your thinking pattern as well as make life positive:

1. Tiny Buddha: "As long as you feel pain, you're still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you're still human. And as long as you keep trying, there' still hope." - Susan Gale.

Indeed the writer here simply states that no matter how bitter the truth is or how bad the situations are going in your life, it is very necessary to keep encouraging self & uplift our confidence. Lori Deschene also describes that nothing is permanent & no bad situation should break you or your inner peace & happiness. One can make many mistakes but still, there's always a room for improvement & development because humans do make mistakes.

2. Always Well Within: Sandra Pawula, the writer of always well within gives a number of motivational blogs in the corner. The writer here explains how to remain calm in the critical or confusing situation & ways to keep yourself stressfree.

3. Peace Revolution: “Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profundity. Kindness in giving creates love.” - Lao Tzu.

The Peace Revolution is all about encouraging the world inner peace to lead a healthy & happy life. It is all about spreading lots of positive thoughts for a healthy lifestyle to encourage good thoughts, mindfulness & focus on self-development. It suggests meditation, healthy diet, yoga, exercise, inner balance & many things help in being peaceful.

4. Positively Present: “Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” - George Bernard Shaw

Dani DiPirro, the author & designer, launched the Positively Present blog site in the year 2009 with an aim to share a perception to lead life positively & with inspiring thoughts. This blog spot has a beautiful slogan “Positivity, awareness and self-love” which simply means we must think a positive manner & also love ourselves under any circumstances. This is key to lead a happy & healthy life.

5. The Empower Blog: The Empower Blog site is launched by Dr. Hiten Vyas, a life coach that has specialization in helping people improve their communication skills. He explains how to communicate with customers while performing business activities, or how to speak in public & last but not the least how to make a cold-calling. The way we speak speaks a lot about us explains Dr.Vyas. This blog spot helps one to improve communication & speaking styles.

6. The Change Blog: “Let go of the past and go for the future. Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you imagined.” - Henry David Thoreau

Henry clearly states in the blogs that no matter how hard the past is we can restart again. Always he states that let go of the past & solely concentrate on the development of our future & happiness. We must concentrate on fulfilling our dreams rather than dwelling on the past events.

7. 10 Steps To Finding Your Happy Place: Galen Pearl has launched the 10 steps of finding your happy place where she concentrates on encouraging self-love & create joyful moments in our lives. She conveys that we much do something to make our souls happy & think positively to lead a successful life. Let go bad habits & adopt good habits in life.

8. Meaningful Western Life: Wendy Quan, the writer of Meaningful Western Life blog spot teaches us mindfulness & meditation to lead a happy & peaceful life. Remaining calm in every situation is key to happiness & successful life. Wendy Quan is the winner of multiple blog award. She is a cancer survivor who has inspired herself strongly during this critical situation which has also encouraged other people to fight back in difficult situations.

9. Get Busy Living: “Your life didn't just happen by chance. You didn't hit some lucky or unlucky streak. The results you achieved came from the choices you did or didn't make.” - Benny Hsu

Benny Hsu started the website blog spot "Get Busy Living" some years ago. He explains here that to lead a good & healthy survivor, it is necessary to be healthy mentally as well as physically. The blog spot helps in giving useful tips to encourage people to lead a happy & success life.

10. Think Simple Now: “Success, in life, is most easily measured by the number of days you are truly happy.” - Eric Edmeades

Started in the year 2007, Tina Su has an aim to encourage happiness, positive thinking & peace in the lives of people. She also writes blogs to increase awareness of what makes life peaceful & happy.

11. Escape Adulthood: Escape Adulthood was basically started to encourage stress-free lives. It aims at encouraging happiness & lessen the stress of daily lives which affect our lives. These blogs also help people to fight Adultitis by providing useful tips & stress-free treatment.