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Founder & CEO at AERO2ASTRO | Posted on | Education

15 Smart Ways to Promote Your YouTube Videos?


SEO Analyst | Posted on

As we know that YouTube is not only for posting silly, weird and less valuable video contents, it is considered as a visual social network for good content marketing. It’s a highly effective business tool to represent your expertise, create brand awareness, share some knowledge, promote useful events, and engage with the customers.


Channel Customization

The first impression is the best impression in case of YouTube as the first impression decides the chances of return of visitors.

Embed CTAs

Embedding CTAs (Call to Action) is a great way for promoting YouTube Videos. So the businesses that are looking to attract direct customers can keep their CTA available on the video you are displaying in YouTube.

Use Proper Keywords, Titles and Descriptions

As we know that SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is required if you want your video to be present in top search result. So always make sure that your video contains keywords, titles, descriptions, and phrases.

Share on Social Media

It’s not surprising that Social media networks are considered as the most powerful content marketing tool you will need to promote your YouTube videos.

Create Playlist

Create a playlist by uploading few good videos, as this will make easy for your audience to watch videos as per their choice.

Become a Pro Uploader

As we generally know that consistency plays an important role in creating a long-lasting relationship with subscribers by which they will eagerly waiting for your next video on YouTube.

Promote with Real-Life People

We are living in today’s digital era where friends and family like to interact more online than real; so it is a very good idea to promote your videos with friends, clients, family and even relatives.

Include Email marketing

According to McKinsey & Company survey, Email is considered approx 40 times better in acquiring new customers in comparison with Facebook and Twitter.

Collaborate with other You Tubers

Your YouTube videos can get best results by collaborating with other You Tubers who are targeting the same audience as you do.

Use Digital PR and Online PR for promotion

Digital Pr and free online PR are a cost-effective and a very simple way to promote your YouTube videos to a wider audience.

Interact with Audience

There are several ways to interact with your audience such as responding to comments, Google Hangouts, Twitter chats and creating a Facebook Fan page.

Be Creative with Thumbnails

It is one of the best ways to promote your videos by creating a Thumbnail icon of every Youtube video.

Get a TubeBuddy Account

To get most out of your YouTube account you will need to sign up for a TubeBuddy account. This tool can automate the YouTube process from posting, publishing, scheduling, and can even help you to find more real viewers.

Appreciate and Reward your Audience

By taking help of analytics tool you will come to know who is liking and sharing your content. Do encourage these supporters by sending them thank you mail.

Promote using Quora and Forums

As the Quora and Forums are designed basically for asking questions and receive answers. So, you need to be careful about promoting your Tube Video on them.


@letsuser | Posted on

This is simpler said than done. Commonly a channel never turns into a web sensation, yet a video can circulate around the web.

You foresee an occasion or a spike in inquiries and transfer a video early. For instance, I made a Manny Pacquiao spoof video just before he battled Mayweather and that video really got viral, getting over 50k perspectives in less than 24 hours. However, 3 days after the battle, the perspectives halted. We shot the video with 3 unique results: win, lose and draw… and transferred the result that happened following the battle was finished.