Are single sex schools more effective than co-ed schools? - letsdiskuss
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Sahil Raghavan

Content writer | Posted on | Education

Are single sex schools more effective than co-ed schools?


student | Posted on

In the beginning of education, the single sex schools are more common in last century. But due to incoming changes in social beliefs and human thinking, now-a-days, people prefer co- ed schools. In my view, co- ed schools are better than single sex school as there are many different opportunities in co- ed schools that are not available in single sex school. The benefit is to face the opposite sex and to experience living with them for future.



translator | Posted on

Whether single sex or co-ed schools are more effective is a highly debatable topic. But there is no proof to say one is better than the other. Its a matter of choice as some children fare better in single sex schools while others do better in co-ed ones. Apart from the basic educational point of view co-ed education can create more interaction between boys and girls and helps children to freely converse with the opposite sex when they enter the real world.
