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Ajay Paswan

Physical Education Trainer | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Are so many International visits of Narendra Modi reaping any good reward? Or are they just a waste of tax-payers’ money?


Engineer,IBM | Posted on

Till the end of October, 2017, Indian Prime Minister has made 32 foreign trips to 49 countries, across 6 continents, covering a total distance of 3.4 lakh kilometers. (Talk about giving traveling goals!)

Between June 2014 and June 2015, a total of Rs 41.1 crore was spent on his international trips, according to an RTI— visit to the USA being the most expensive one. Also, India has spent Rs 275 crore on flights used by him in his travels.

In his tenure, Mr. Modi has spent more than 55 days on foreign soil.

That being said, now comes an important part of your question—were these trips fruitful in the first place or not?

At large, one can easily say that foreign trips by PM Modi are highly rewarding. Even the opposition leaders have accepted this. India’s stature in the global community has climbed much higher. The relationships with many nations are at their best ever—be it USA, Canada, Australia, France, Germany, or Russia.

PM Modi is also the first Indian Prime Minister to ever visit Israel. His efforts to engage the middle-east countries on friendly terms have also reaped decent rewards.

All these, aside from internal policy change, has significantly increased FDI inflow in the country. While Foreign Direct Investment was $36 billion in 2013-14, it jumped to $60 billion in 2016-17.