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Deana Johnson

@letsuser | Posted on | Education

Argumentative Essay Writing Guide


@letsuser | Posted on


Writing an argumentative essay is a challenging task. It should show the writer’s effort in persuading the reader to agree with his/her claims or arguments. The examiners should be able to determine right away that the essay is argumentative through the thesis statement and significance of the topic.

An effective argumentative essay should not fall in any of the following categories:

• Stating an established fact or truth that is not arguable and contentious.
• It should not make the readers feel that the writer is quarrelling with someone by expressing false and deceptive statements.
• It should not have a series of irrelevant rants and illogical statements or ideas.

It is important to remember that you first define the essay topic clearly. In writing thesis statement, it is also necessary to consider the readers’ point of view and beliefs. Whenever stating an argument, ensure there is enough evidence to support the claim. This can be achieved by a thorough understanding of the essay topic. According to expert essay help and researching facts, evidences and writing the whole argumentative essay entails more than hard work.

Argumentative Essay Ideas
Choosing and defining the right topic is essential in the success of writing an argumentative essay paper. The common topics chosen for this essay are of a controversial nature. These topics can have numerous sources available as source. Know the difference between other argumentative papers to a reliable source. Here we present you with a list of argumentative essay ideas you can use in different fields of study.

• Importance of standardised tests
• Nutrition in relation to student’s learning
• Performance bonuses to teachers
• Reinforcement or punishment in correcting a certain behaviour
• School violence

Social Sciences
• Free contraceptives funded by the government
• Medical marijuana
• Capital punishment
• Gun Control
• Medical
• Animal and human testing
• Euthanasia
• Stem cell research
• Human cloning

Argument Types
There are different approaches to write argumentative essay, which are listed below:

This is the most common approach, the writer persuades readers to accept his/her own definition of the topic.

This approach aims to convince readers that something must be done and that a certain policy needs to be polished.


It attempts to convince the readers that something is either good or bad.

The writer persuades readers by stating the consequences of a certain action.

Argumentative Essay Writing Steps
The steps listed below are divided into subsections, which will help you in carefully planning the whole paper.

Pre-Writing Process
• Choose the appropriate topic and ideas to discuss
• Decide on your stand for the chosen topic
• Hypothesise on contradicting and opposing arguments
• Determine the arguments in your stand that you would argue
• Decide on the opposing stands that you will refute in the process

Researching and Decoding Evidences and Sources
• Choose your materials carefully and wisely
• Know the difference between a primary and a secondary source
• Get as many relevant facts and statistical data as possible, as this will make the paper more credible
• Summarise and analyse the gathered data

Writing Process
• Start with an argumentative outline
• Formulate a direct and critical thesis statement
• Draft the proposal
• Always adhere to the standard format

I hope this small argumentative essay writing guide will help you manage this task on your own.


Student (Delhi University) | Posted on

The most important thing to keep in mind is that you need to give arguments and counter arguments both. To support your stance, frame counter arguments on your own and counterattack them validating your point.

Nothing makes an argumentative essay stronger than the well answered counter-arguments.

Apart from this, always remember to give your essay a certain tone which will vary according to the weight of your postulations, argumentations, and examples.


Thinker | Posted on

While writing an argumentative essay you need to be very clear about facts.

Also, just don't give the counter-arguments and postulations, but explain them, telling why you are using them as counter arguments.

Give as many examples as possible. Be conversational, use sarcasm where ever necessary, and play with words for better effects. Your tone should be confident and convincing, and ill-usage of grammar can bring your (and your essay's) downfall.