There are many ways to earn money online. In the end, it comes down to your interest, passion and skill set. What you like, what you want to do, and what you’re passionate about!
I have personally seen people who are making thousands and millions by talking about toys and pens and jellies and whatnots. Can you believe that?!!!!
So, if you want to earn money online, find out what you like talking about and go all in. Create a website/blog around that topic, produce contents on that, engage people who share the same interest, and once you have a decent following, you can easily make money through different avenues (affiliates, sponsorship, ads or even your own product).
(Courtesy: Reliable Soft)
This model of creating a side income from the internet is much more sustainable and you would never get bored of it because you’re doing/talking about what you love.
Here are the steps you need to take through the process:
(i) Identify your interest: What you like, what problems you want to solve, which target audience do you want to engage. This could be virtually anything. Maybe you like talking about money, sky, history, books, Khabib Nurmagomedov, or anything. The possibilities are seamless.
(ii) Create a blog: Now you want a platform where you can talk about this topic to your target audience. Having a personal, self-hosted website/blog is the way to go. So, create one!
(iii) Get on social media platforms: Create pages and profiles on social media channels, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and more. This will help you amass an audience and keep them engaged.
(iv) Market that blog: This is a tricky part; a tad difficult. So, you need to spend enough time in this department. Take up proper SEO and email marketing practices to attract more audience and to engage them.
(v) Monetize the right way: If you have a good number in the audience, there are many ways you can monetize your blog. Putting up ad banners is only one of them. You can enroll in affiliate programs, you can find sponsors, you can sell your own products/services.
That’s it!
(Courtesy: Mint)
This is the simple process to earn money online. Sure, each step will come with its own challenges. But if you’re committed, you can easily unlock seamless opportunities to earn money online.