Can COVID-19 spread through food? - letsdiskuss
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Ramesh Kumar

Marketing Manager | Posted on | Health-beauty

Can COVID-19 spread through food?


Covid, Coronavirus, Covid-19 call it anything but the anger I feel whenever I hear any of these is same. It is not just a disease. According to some sources it is a Biological weapon which has been produced to destroy humans, economy of different countries and to kill the peace of every individual.


Some say Covid can spread through food others say Coronavirus can easily spread through air. I don't think even WHO knows that how exactly is Coronavirus spreading.

I can just advice, wash you raw food like vegetables, fruits properly before consuming.

wash you raw food like vegetables, fruits properly before consuming.

Use Mask whenever you go out of your home.

Use Mask whenever you go out of your home

Wash your hands properly with soap or sanitize them time to time.

Wash your hands properly with soap or sanitize them time to time.

Be safe !


Student | Posted on

I am not sure but believe it is in the air, how can it spread so quickly and people who are staying at home from past one month are getting Covid postive. Few have reported that they have not gone out from last few months but still showing symptoms of Covid-19, this second wave of Coronavirus in India is not sparing anyone.


@stduent | Posted on

There is currently no proof that people can catch COVID-19 from food, including fruits and vegetables. awareness must be spread from the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables must be encouraged. wash fruits and vegetables with clean water, especially if you eat them raw.

Wear Face Mask

Use sanitizer

Maintain Social Distances


@ teacher student professor | Posted on

There is currently no evidence that people can catch COVID-19 from food, including fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and vegetables are part of a healthy diet and their consumption should be encouraged.