Can eating too much mangoes make you fat? - letsdiskuss
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Jessy Chandra

Fashion enthusiast | Posted on | Food-Cooking

Can eating too much mangoes make you fat?


Home maker | Posted on

No, mangoes are cholesterol-free and rich in antioxidants. They cannot make you gain weight. They are fat-free and salt-free. You can daily consume one mango, and I assure it will not let you gain weight.


Delhi Press | Posted on

NO! Mangoes are fat free, cholesterol free and salt free and are super fruits for summers rather it helps to cholesterol levels control, Boosts the immune system, Alkaline the body and Excellent for the eyes.


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on

The king of fruit is loved by all young or old but lately it has been infamous due to its high sugar content. Mangoes are a delight for people during summer time to tickle their taste buds, but a lot of people these days avoid eating mangoes because of the fear of getting fat.

They think that eating mangoes everyday could make them put onweight. But it is not like that, on the contrary, mangoes can help in losing weight if they are eaten within a specified calorie limit.

Mangoes are rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, iron, copper and abundant potassium that is great for the body. It is an energy food and provides sugar rush to your body keeping you energetic and active throughout the day.Mangoes are fat free, cholesterol free and salt free and are super fruits for summers.

However, always remember, excessive of anything makes you gain weight. Similar is the case with mango, if you eat above the calorie limit, you are bound to gain weight. You should keep a check on your calorie limit and don’t go for more than 3 mangoes in a day as excess of the intake of mango may bloat yourtummyand create problems for digestion.

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Blogger | Posted on

As per nutritionist, Jasleen Kaur, "Mangoes are sans fat, cholesterol free and salt free and are super natural products for summers. They are incredible nourishers for the body." However, that doesn't mean one has mangoes for breakfast, lunch and supper. "Abundance of anything makes you put on weight.


Blogger | Posted on

Mangoes is one of India's superfoods and it is regular loaded up with heaps of beta-carotene, nutrient C, folate and other B nutrients (essentially decreases oxidative harm averting early maturing being one of it benefits among others). The sugar in mango is as fructose which does not get changed over to glucose and clearly does not raise your blood glucose and clearly does not add on to your fat as well. Also, numerous investigations have demonstrated that the majority of the natural products including mango is found to diminish the danger of stoutness.

Be that as it may, on the opposite side anything on the abundance may make you put on weight.

A medium measured mango(around 200gms) give around 150kcal and significantly low carb and protein with unimportant fat. It is one of the nourishments that makes you feel dynamic and vigorous for the duration of the day. It will be a decent night or an early in the day nibble, by the manner in which you can spare yourself from having additional calories. And furthermore gives as an extraordinary post work out tidbit.