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We live in Digital India. So yes, thesedaysyou can easily file ITR withouta CA.The income tax department has a great dedicated website for this‘myITreturn’that would take you step-by-stepthrough the process, ensuringseamless resource and assistance.
Here are the simplified steps to help you file for Income Tax Return without any CA:
That’s it. The entire process has become incrediblysimple these days. And there’s a lot of information and assistance availableonline to ensureyou can do it all alone quite conveniently even if it’s your first time.
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There are many public finance software tools for income tax filing such as Income Tax Assistant, C-Tax, Tax Filing Assistant. These online tools have a lot in common with each other and can help file income tax returns for those who would like to do so without the help of a certified accountant. The procedure is mostly similar to filing in person or through electronic means. You need to fill up forms, make payments and send them back after the due date has passed.
The best way to file your income taxes without using a certified accountant is with NetTaxIncomeTaxAssistantApp which is available on Android as well as windows pc & mac devices.
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