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mark Will

sports | Posted on | Sports

Can we expect women to play in future NFL games?


Fitness Instructor and Tennis player | Posted on

Your question reminds me of a historical incident in the history of Sports. It is related to a mindset, according to which white players used to think that black players are not good enough to play Major League Baseball. But we all know how history turned out to be.

Same is the case with women players in NFL. It may seem unbelievable, even absurd, but it can really be a thing. Don’t forget the Brazilian football player Marta Vieira da Silva, who has won more Fifa player of the year awards than Messi and Ronaldo!


According to the experts, women can obviously play NFL and one reason is that a strong leg is not required in the NFL. So if John Carney can do just fine without booting a 50 yard field goal, women can also do that.

If we see physically, women have proved it time and again that they are all ready for NFL. IWFL is still functioning smoothly. If there’s something lacking for women football players, then it is the set of opportunities. And that’s what make women weak –not physically, but mentally.

You can imagine, keeping in mind, the inherent societal structure, the kind of comments and treatment women have to face if they ever played with men. They would be tested and questioned more severely than men, even for those failure and mistakes which might as well have been in the share of any male player.

So yea, to survive in NFL, women players have to be a thousand times more tolerant than men.
Having said all this, I would like to take your attention to the kind of sexism female tennis players have always suffered in front of the likes of Nadal and Federer. At least in the initial stages, we have to expect the same thing happening with women NFL players (it is not my pessimism, but my practical outlook towards the state of women players in the world of sports).


@letsuser | Posted on

No. I don't ever see a woman making the roster for an NFL team in the future. And it has nothing to do with teams having to provide separate dressing facilities although that might be in the back of their mind.

Most NFL players have played football at every level in school including college. They've learned how to get bigger, faster, and stronger. Most schools don't have women's football so the experience level is huge. Colleges are where the NFL selects their players and they are exclusively male. There might be a women kicker at a small college who has done well, but there's also hundreds of men competing against her. I just don't see a woman making an NFL roster.


@letsuser | Posted on

To a great degree dubious. With the colossal measure of solidarity and speed at which the NFL works, by far most of females don't have a sufficient skeletal or strong framework to endure the abnormal state impacts substantially less exceed expectations.

Obviously, there are special cases - there are a low % of ladies that do have an anomalous solid skeletal structure, yet the chances of being focused psychologist alongside the field. At the end of the day, such a little level of guys that have an abnormally abnormal state of ***** thickness, speed and quality make it, and on the off chance that you begin from a greatly little pool of female choices, the chances are simply excessively high.

Others have recorded a kicker, and so on., yet they would at present need somebody that is fit for running downfield and applying a hit (or taking one), so they would without a doubt go for a male alternative over a female one.

Secondary School, unquestionably. School, a few (presently put kicker Becca Longo), yet not NFL. Beyond any doubt - there have been some littler folks make it in the NFL - however even at 5′8″ or something like that they are as yet 160++ of firmly pressed muscle encompassing an exceptionally strong ***** structure. Becca is 5′11 and 145 pounds, and I shiver to figure what might happen to her in the event that she were hit by a 6′ 235 lb. linebacker amid a runback.


student | Posted on

Intriguing inquiry, and I have a fascinating answer. I immovably accept that football is essentially a man's down and consistently has been and ought to be. Be that as it may, I'm going to express yes to your inquiry, with confinements to it. There will never under any circumstance (as I would like to think) be females as linemen and most of ability positions. How might a female, even a very athletic female, take on a 6′2 250 center linebacker or watchman a 6′4 wide beneficiary outwardly? It's simply not going to occur, ever. Females bodies are simply unique and that won't change. Be that as it may, female kickers and punters I do accept are a chance in time. Only this previous year, Becca Longo, a female Kicker from Arizona got a grant to a D2 football program in Colorado, the first to play at the D2 level. She is an unbelievable competitor and a marvel to watch play, and she might just be sufficient to play at the D1 level, the truth will surface eventually on that one. Indeed, even as a kicker the NFL is a totally extraordinary ball game so it's a stretch to accept she can make it.

Lady and men will consistently be distinctive truly, yet I do accept in the long run that a lady player will make it to the NFL, however never in a position other than kicker/punter.