Can We Help Young Brains Fight Off Anxiety? - letsdiskuss
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Satindra Chauhan

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Can We Help Young Brains Fight Off Anxiety?


Anxiety is a common disorder, which is affecting children from childhood. Around 7% are struggling with anxiety. 1 out of 3 adolescents is experiencing anxiety issues in their life. It is difficult for anxious children to conduct normal activities in their life. They feel inhibited dealing with the challenges coming in their life. However, they try to avoid the challenging situations coming in their life. The parents should talk to the children about such cases. The children have to open up what they feel to their parents. Clinicians have developed some scientific treatments that can help children deal with anxiety.

The therapy is known as cognitive-behavioral therapy. Still, it is expensive, and it does not always work for children struggling with anxiety. Anxiety is present in the children from their pre-school. They have to face many difficult situations while they grow up. However, only a few treatments are available to cure anxiety in children.


The neuroscience behind anxiety

The brain naturally comes into action when the children face some scary situations in their life. Our brain prepares us to fight the problem or freeze in case of danger. In this process, a little bit of anxiety in a child is common. It happens with everyone, whether children or adults. They can deal with these in their way. However, the children find it difficult to take their decisions and react to them. It is an alert time for the parents to take all these things seriously related to their children. Parents have to make them understand their children that they hold the strength to deal with the difficult situations coming into their life. It can help the children a lot to fight the challenges. They can become strong enough to take decisions for their life.

Also Read :- What are Quick Tips to Change Your Anxiety Forever?