Did Mahabharata begin with a dog? - letsdiskuss
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neha goyal

nehagoyal022@gmail.com | Posted on | Education

Did Mahabharata begin with a dog?


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No, the Mahabharata began long before reality and it is supposedly described in the ancient Indian historical text Mahabharata. The Mahabharata is the important epic of Indian literature and culture that stores the diversity of Indian history, philosophical elements, worshipful deities and puranic narratives.

The Mahabharata also contains some isolated stories, which, according to the belief, give the text spiritual and moral valuable knowledge. These tales include the tale of a dog, in which the importance of merit, loyalty, and service are told.

Although the Mahabharata contains a substantial amount of tales of humans, gods, and demons, the beginning of the Mahabharata makes no specific mention of dogs.

Although dogs play an important role in beliefs in various Puranas and legends and are recognized as symbols of faithfulness, faithfulness and servility, they are not considered the reason for the beginning in the Mahabharata.

The Mahabharata consists of the bhoopri tirthakaragit Puranic stories of the Mahabharata dynasty, whose main opening and development takes place in the Mahabharata parampara. It is acknowledged as a religious text and is the epic of Indian literature.

Please note that this answer is given based on recognition and literature. Such beliefs, Puranas and lectures are embedded in the metaphysic. Indian texts and historical narratives like the Mahabharata, especially as conceptions of knowledge, devotion, righteousness and spirituality, should be repudiated with the recognition of priority.


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