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Do hand sanitizers contribute to antibiotic resistance?


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Germs are every-where! They can get onto hands and items we touch during daily activities and make us ill . cleaning hands at key times with soap and water or hand sanitizer that has in it at least 60% alcohol is one of the most important steps you can take to keep away from getting ill and covering all over germs to those around you .There are important differences between washing hands with soap and water and using hand sanitizer . Soap and water work to take away all types of germs from hands, while sanitizer acts by putting to death certain germs on the skin . Although alcohol-based hand sanitizers can quickly reduce the number of germs in many places, positions, they should be used in the right situations . Soap and water are more effective than hand sanitizers at taking away certain kind of germs like norovirus cryptosporidium and clostridioides hard, as well as chemicals. Hand sanitizers also may not take away damaging chemicals, such as pesticides and heavy metals like lead .Handwashing reduces the amounts of all types of germs, pesticides, And metals on hands . having knowledge of when to clean your hands and which careful way to use will give you the best chance of putting a stop to illness .

Before and after being with a friend or loved one in a hospital or giving/taking milk from mother starting place, unless the person is ill with clostridioides hard if so, use soap and water to wash hands.

If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer that has in it at least 60% alcohol, and wash with soap and water as soon as you can .

DO NOT use hand sanitizer if your hands are easily seen dirty or sticky with thick oil for example, after gardening, playing out-doors, fishing, Or living under canvas . If a hand-washing station is available, wash your hands with soap and water instead .
