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Vicky Vignesh

@letsuser | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Do Honeycomb Cellular Shades save on energy bills?


BBA in mass communication | Posted on

Honeycomb or cellular shades are indeed an effective way of saving on energy bills by both saving the energy used in winters for heating, and in summers of cooling.

Cellular shades, first of all are very easy to install, operate, and clean. Honeycomb blinds are by far the most energy efficient option. No other type of blind comes close to the energy efficiency of honeycomb-shaped blinds.


Installing honeycomb shades in your house are very popular when it comes to serve the dual purpose of your interior’s décor, and your energy bill.

Honeycomb cellular shades have “honeycomb” shaped pockets in them, which is able to entrap heat, as well as cold. Due to this mechanism, these shades act as insulators and don’t let the heat or cold pass through them, into your room. This keeps your room less hot or cool than it should have been due to the weather conditions outside, and hence the use of your heaters or coolers is also minimized to a great degree, which consequently saves the energy.

The better the cell pockets of these shades are, the more they will act as insulators and the more energy they will save. Having double layered cellular shades, or the ones with Black out cellular fabrics, are more efficient in keeping the environment of the room comfortable and saving energy.