Do i speak to a live person at Google without phone number? - letsdiskuss
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Robert Peary

SEO Executive | Posted on | Science-Technology

Do i speak to a live person at Google without phone number?


Blogger | Posted on

You need a genuine telephone number to initiate Google Voice. Nonetheless, you can utilize a number that you just have impermanent access to.

For instance, you could utilize a meeting room at fill in as your essential number with Google Voice. After you enact the administration, set your inclinations, record your name and welcome, you absolutely never need to utilize that number again. Simply set up your record to DND and all calls will move to phone message.

A similar number can't be utilized by two Google Voice accounts, be that as it may, so you can't utilize a companion's number without keeping them out of the administration.

Note likewise that Google Voice won't let you evacuate this number. On the off chance that you attempt to erase your telephone number, you are told "Record must have in any event one physical telephone."