Do unexpected results of FIFA world cup will affect the hosting nation-s economy in any way? - letsdiskuss
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Ram kumar

Technical executive - Intarvo technologies | Posted on | Sports

Do unexpected results of FIFA world cup will affect the hosting nation-s economy in any way?


Educator/ Work from home Search Engine Evaluator. | Posted on

Hosting a large international events like world cups in cricket, football, or Olympics is not only a propaganda for that nation but also a monetary benefit for the hosting nation. Owing to the matches, the hosting country will spend on infrastructures like building roads, hotels ,and stadiums. And it has to invest a considerable amount on securities of the tourists as well as for the players and their supporting team members. The job opportunity of the hosting nation will increase which in turn will increase the GDP of the country.

While talking about FIFA World cup, it was a success for the hosting nation in every event, except in 1 or 2 occasions. During the FIFA World cup tournament, football fans from all over the world, whoever can afford, attend the matches of its favorite teams. Some may attend all the matches irrespective of all the favorite team or some may attend only quarter final, semi final and final matches of their favorite team.

In case their favorite team is in winning streaks then the fans will stay long . May be up to the finals. On the other hand if the famous team like, Brazil, Argentina, Germany, Croatia etc lose before the knock out round and ousted from the tournament earlier than expected, then it will not help the hosting country. If a favorite team exists from tournament then the fans will also leave the country with their player. So no chance of any monetary benefit to the hosting nation. . So there will be huge economic loss to the hosting country if the results of the matches were unexpected and unanticipated.

in 2014 Brazil world cup was not a successful one and did not benefit that country. In 2018 FIFA world cup, some of the popular countries are not qualified. We will wait and see whether Moscow will get economic benefits or loss due to FIFA 2018.
