Do you think fashion models should be used to sell products such as cars? - letsdiskuss
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Alessia Fernandez

Blogger | Posted on | Entertainment

Do you think fashion models should be used to sell products such as cars?


CHIEF EXECUTIVE, Creativekart, Experienced writer, blogger | Posted on

Fashion begets fashion. Using a fashion model in ad promotion in a way depicts the trendiness of the product. A glamorous model endorsing a swanky car immediately catches attention of the crowd which is likely to fetch immediate gains. There is nothing wrong in promoting a stylish product selling fashion models. It enhances the brand equity of the product but flaunting sexuality in the name of promotion needs special thought. Sexuality has no relation with a product like cars and bikes. Does it send the right message to the young generation? Isn’t that we are training young minds that a chic trendy gadget will fetch them the dream mate? An instant and absolute verdict is hard to deliver as it depends largely on the mission of the organization.

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