Do you think PUBG makers should be blamed for the deaths of players in real? - letsdiskuss
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Do you think PUBG makers should be blamed for the deaths of players in real?


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The number of "real" deaths due to humongously popular PUBG game is not yet confirmed. Aside from the mainstream hype -- from news outlets who'd rather report on a game than suicides out of unemployment and debts --, no one can really identify the magnitude of this problem.

Two youths (24 and 22 years old) ran over by a train in Hingoli district in Maharashtra. They were too absorbed in the game to notice the approaching train.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: India Today)

A 20-year guy in Telangana died after he critically damaged his nerves surrounding the neck by playing PUBG for long hours over 45 days.

A boy in Karnataka failed his first-year pre-university exam. He wrote about PUBG in his economics answer paper because he didn’t get the time to study.

There are a few more such cases making rounds online.

Coming to your question: can the makers or developers of this game be blamed for all such deaths and incidents?

The answer is NO! And NO!

If you're going to blame others for addiction, the makers of alcohol and cigarette should the biggest villain in the world.

**** makers should be blamed too.

The first couple who ever had sex, they should be blamed as well.

Whoever made cocaine, she/he should be blamed as well.

Should we now blame Apple and Samsung for making Smartphones?

Should we blame Mark Zuckerberg for Facebook addiction? (Oh, wait, many do that already!)

Point is that we cannot blame others for our own addiction. Although the term "self-accountability" is fast fading from our dictionaries, it still matters.

People need to own it.

Everything in the world has pros and cons. If people are falling for the cons, they must take responsibility for it instead of passing on the blame to others.

With the highest of sympathy for those who passed away due to "PUBG addiction", I still think it’s absurd to blame the makers of this game.

Instead of blaming her, him and them, we should focus on the solution of the problem.

Awareness is a big thing. We need to make people aware of the problems. The players, the majority of them are post-teen. They can think and decide independently. They must be careful about their choices. They must know how to take care of themselves.

And for the real "addicts", who admittedly exist (it's easy to get addicted to something), they must head to the therapy sessions. They must take professional help.

People dying and messing up their lives due to PUBG addiction if news media is to be believed, is emerging as a big problem.

Instead of blaming the makers of the game, we need to take proper measures.

The players must distinguish the good from bad. They are not kids. The makers didn’t cookied them into playing the game. That's their conscious decision.

Be more responsible. Focus on your life and not on a game. And, most importantly, seek professional help if needed.