Do you think we will EVER see powerful Indians like Anil Ambani behind bars? - letsdiskuss
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Sneha Bhatiya

Student ( Makhan Lal Chaturvedi University ,Bhopal) | Posted on | News-Current-Topics

Do you think we will EVER see powerful Indians like Anil Ambani behind bars?


Entrepreneur | Posted on

Anil Ambani will go to jail for three months if he fails to give Ericsson the due of Rs 453 crore in four weeks. Or so the Supreme Court of India has ruled.

Letsdiskuss(Courtesy: IB Times)

Now, one, Anil Ambani would very ably pay the amount to Ericsson.

Two, even if he does not, it's very unlikely he will ever see the light of prison.

It's not that Indian constitution and judiciary aren't powerful enough. It's not that there aren’t proper checks in place to prevent scams, corruptions and punish those in power. YET, the powerful individuals remain shielded, no matter their offense.

How many powerful people can you name have gone to jail?

Sanjay Dutt? How many times was he out on parole?

Gurmeet Ram Rahim? The violence that followed his arrest cost Haryana a whopping Rs 126,71,700.

More names?

Salman Khan is still out.

It took Delhi High Court 22 YEARS to uphold the lower court's decision to convict 88 people for 1984 anti-Sikh riots. Many convicts, also politicians, still remain loose. And the worst thing? They still have the Supreme Court to approach against HC's decision, which can take more decades for the final judgment.

There are thousands and thousands of powerful individuals who, even after doing heinous crimes, remain out in the loose, enjoying life. They hide behind the complex and forgiving Indian laws that grant them multiple opportunities to prove their innocence. By the time they are convicted, most of them are old and nearing death.

And then comes those powerful people who do go to jail. But flexing their money power, they manage to turn their cells into a 5-star hotel room, packing everything from air condition to the refrigerator to television.

Yes, Indian laws and regulations are robust. But in the same breathe, ironically, it also quite weak when dealing with powerful individuals: celebrities, politicians, business tycoons, and god-men/women.

So, to answer your question…


The odds of seeing powerful people like Anil Ambani behind bars is very less.