Does Science believe in astrology? - letsdiskuss
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Rohan Chauhan

Financial analyst (Mudra finance company) | Posted on | Science-Technology

Does Science believe in astrology?


Blogger | Posted on

Indeed, couple of researchers accept, yet a lion's share don't. The well known names strike a chord are of Pythagoras and Aryabhata. Both were incredible mathematician and researcher. In the past amid the tallness of Indus progress and antiquated Greek human advancement, numerous researchers and mathematicians had faith in it. However, in this day and age, I question they accept.

A few people say in Indus Valley progress the improvement of science happened in light of Astrology. To anticipate all the more precisely about future, arithmetic came into picture thus the number frameworks.


Working with holistic nutrition.. | Posted on


Ask any astrologer and they would confidently claim that astrology is a part of science. And they would toss all kinds of theories to prove their point. However, the other side of this matter is completely different.

Till now, many scientific researches have been done. But no hard-hitting evidence has been found to support the premise of astrology. In countless controlled studies, astrology failed to find scientific validity.

This is not to say that you won’t find articles on many renowned websites arguing that Astrology is a part of science with click-bait titles. In 2011, Psychology Today published an article titled ‘Science Confirms Astrology’. There was no substance in that piece.

Sadly (or fortunately for the astrologers), over 90 percent of adults know their zodiac sign. In several surveys, it was found that over half of these agree their signs’ character descriptions are a good fit for them.

This trend has now qualified astrology as a full-fledged profession. There are even institutes out there that are offering courses in astrology and provide certificates to aspirants. Needless to say, they are all making an awful lot of money this way. And this thing isn’t ending anytime soon. If anything, under false claims and proves, astrology is only growing to different parts of the world.

In short, given the missing evidence, astrology qualifies as pseudoscience!!! Many people still believe it though!


Blogger | Posted on

Crystal gazing and science. Soothsaying comprises of various conviction frameworks that hold that there is a connection between cosmic marvels and occasions or portrayals of character in the human world. Crystal gazing has been dismissed by mainstream researchers as having no illustrative force for depicting the universe.


Blogger | Posted on

Majority of them don’t.

If anyone from the scientific community still believes in irrational things, that means the person is unable to overcome his or her cultural/ religious/emotional conditioning of his/her mind with scientific reasoning and is not fit to be a scientist.


Blogger | Posted on

Soothsaying comprises of various conviction frameworks that hold that there is a connection between galactic wonders and occasions or portrayals of character in the human world. Crystal gazing has been dismissed by mainstream researchers as having no logical force for portraying the universe.


@letsuser | Posted on

Relies upon what is your meaning of Science. By and large, when individuals utilize this word they mean the hard sciences. Vedic Astrology is unquestionably not a hard science – it ought not be. In any case, there is no law that says that such teaches as can't be incorporated into sciences – the unadulterated and the hard sciences, or even the sociologies, i.e. the humanities,- are second rate compared to hard sciences.