Has Sachin Tendulkar’s importance decreased in India as compared to MS Dhoni? - letsdiskuss
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Ruchika Dutta

Teacher | Posted on | Sports

Has Sachin Tendulkar’s importance decreased in India as compared to MS Dhoni?


Marketing Manager | Posted on

Yes. It’s true that in the country Sachin Tendulkar’s importance has decreased after his retirement. This, however, is nothing new. Forgetting those who are not working currently is quite common in Bollywood and Cricket world. Tendulkar is still associated with cricket but only as a commentator or a mentor. On the other hand, Dhoni is still on the field. So obviously, Dhoni’s importance is more right now.

Letsdiskuss (Courtesy: The Hindu Business Line)

If Dhoni retires, the same is bound to happen with them. And we all know that the talks of his retirement are also in the air. There are people who think that he should retire now.

Although Sachin Tendulkar is still honored in the World of Cricket and is present in all the big tournaments, this is an honor which is bestowed on many other retired cricketers. The fact that his impact has diluted even on public can be emphasized by the fact that he does not even feature in many advertisements now.