How can having a balanced lifestyle make me more attractive? - letsdiskuss
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Viku Singh

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How can having a balanced lifestyle make me more attractive?

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A healthier lifestyle can enhance your physical appearance such as: complexion,bags under your eyes,shiny hair.

Ways of balanced lifestyle can make you more attractive:

1.Care aboutskin care:Use moisturizers to keep your skin from drying out and apply sunscreen before going outside.
2.Butt out:Stop smoking. Cigarettes cause worse wrinkling than the sun.
3.Eat balance diet:A healthy diet equals a more glowing complexion, shinier hair and a fitter you.
4. Get enough Sleep:Get eight hours sleep at night.Sleeping restores all organs of the body, including the skin, which is the body’s largest organ.It also reduces tension and anxiety.
5.Hydrate: Drinking atleast eight glasses a day additionally flushes toxins from the body and brings nutrients to the hydrate your body.
6. Be pro-antioxidant:Antioxidants like vitamins A, C and E found in fruits and vegetables are essential. They promote skin repair and elasticity and also reduce your risk for heart disease and cancer.
7.Do Meaditation or excercise:A cardio workout regimen lowers stress, makes you happier and gives your skin a glow.Meditation also helps to feel calm and reducing stress which enhance inner beauty.



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Here are some ways a balanced lifestyle can make you more attractive:

1. Feeling Healthy: When you eat well, exercise, and sleep enough, you'll have more energy and look healthier, which makes you more appealing.

2. Being Happy: When you're mentally healthy, you're more likely to be confident and positive, and that can make you more attractive to others.

3. Having Friends and Family: When you have strong relationships with friends and family, it makes you feel loved and supported, and that can also make you more attractive.

4. Feeling Fulfilled: When you have a sense of purpose and meaning in your life, you feel happier and more content, which can make you more attractive too.

5. Dressing Well: When you wear clothes that make you feel confident and comfortable, it shows, and that can make you more attractive as well.
