How can I get a scholarship after completing an MBBS? - letsdiskuss
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pradeep Choudhary

PG in nursing. | Posted on | Education

How can I get a scholarship after completing an MBBS?


Student (B.A(h) Philosophy, Content writer(Fashion and beauty) | Posted on

An MBBS is an undergraduate degree for medical students. The degree is recognized all over the world. Its acknowledgment is the major reason for the availability of graduate scholarships for medical students. Though scholarships at the undergraduate level are less common, there are still several opportunities for students to gain funding for the first degree in health and medical subjects.




To study in Australia or New Zealand

AFPHM: Medical scholarships from the Royal Australasian College for physicians
The University of Auckland John Hamel Award: medical scholarship and domestic students international students.

University of Wollongong Scholarships– A range of medical school scholarships to fund study in the Faculty of Science, Medicine, and Health at the University of Wollongong in Australia.
To study in North America
ACLS Scholarship for Healthcare Providers – Scholarships for medical students currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate-level medical program. You'll need to submit an essay discussing emergency medical care from the perspective of a medical student.
AMA Minority Scholars Award – Medical scholarships for underrepresented students studying medicine in the US. Eligible students include African Americans, Alaskan Natives, American Indians, Hispanics, and Native Hawaiians.
American College of Surgeons International Guest Scholarships – International scholarships for graduates aged 35-50 who are interested in medical teaching or research, to study and undertake research in the US.
AMWA Awards – The American Medical Women’s Association funds medical school scholarships and fellowships on offer to all AMWA student members.
ASCP Siemens Scholarships – A range of medical school scholarships for graduate medical technologists, technicians and scientists to study in the US at selected medical schools.
ASME Grants and Fellowships – Various international scholarships for medical students, teachers and researchers to continue their medical education in the US and outside.
Edith Seville Coale Scholarships – Scholarships for women in their third year of medical school studying in the US at one of four medical schools near Washington DC, including Johns Hopkins University’s School of Medicine.
Harvard Medical School – Available medical scholarships include the Emirates Cardiac Society Scholarships, in which priority is given to students from the United Arab Emirates.