How can I make my skin permanently fair as I unsuccessfully tried chemical peels and different types of skin whitening creams? - letsdiskuss
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Komal Verma

Media specialist | Posted on | Health-beauty

How can I make my skin permanently fair as I unsuccessfully tried chemical peels and different types of skin whitening creams?


Teacher | Posted on

Letsdiskuss Our different skin tones are a result of the different levels of melanin pigment in our skin. We are gifted with this genetically and generally can’t alter it. Apart from that, tanning due to excessive sun exposure over many years can result in darker skin, which is something that we can control. Rather than running after fairer skin, I would suggest you aim for healthier skin and a glow would be a positive side effect. Keep it hydrated, clean and well moisturized. Always use sunscreen when stepping out, no matter whether its is sunny or not. Face packs made from natural home made products can also help give you a glowing skin. Use gram flour (besan) mixed with curd, or a honey and lemon face mask. Keep for about 20 mins and rinse with cold water. Exfoliate every week. And if you still feel like you want a “fairer” skin, visit a dermatologist. Their laser techniques and ointments can probably get you the results you desire.